Kristi’s decision to move to Hawai’i
Guest Post by Kristi Goldrick:
I came to visit Chris and Caroline in Hawaii in April of 2021. My purpose was a vacation – simple as that. While I was here visiting, we did as you do on vacation…” I could live here” “Wouldn’t that be awesome to live here?”, all in jest of course.
Caroline suggested I come back for another visit in October for my 40th birthday. I could invite friends along; it would be so fun. So, I left with a plan of hopefully being back in October, a short 6 months away.
Caroline & I at Kailua Beach during my trip here in April
In the airport on the way home, a friend asked me if I really could move to Hawaii. I said I totally could and that I knew Caroline and Chris would welcome me back. But…that’s crazy, right? And so I thought about it. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I mean, what was stopping me from moving there?
I’m single, no kids, I lived with my parents at the time, so I didn’t have to worry about selling a house or anything like that. I just couldn’t think of a reason not to. So, I sent Caroline a marco polo (really, it’s the best app for keeping in touch with long distance friends and family) and said, “Am I crazy?” I felt crazy, let me tell you that. I was emotional and my brain wouldn’t shut off. Whew…May was a crazy month for me!
Me with my Mom & Dad the morning I left LA for Hawai’i
I was inspired by Caroline and Chris and their huge step of moving out here to Hawaii. When I was here visiting, it really hit me that…they really did it! They really live in Hawaii! I think the thing that stuck with me that inspired me so much was something Caroline said once. Why should we continue to live the life we had planned to live “with children”? Why not live the life we couldn’t have lived if we had children? Let’s do the things we can only do because we are childless.
That made me think. Why am I waiting to live my life because it isn’t what I planned it to be? So, I’m single. So, I don’t have kids. Life didn’t turn out the way I thought it would as a kid. Why am I not living the life that only one can in this situation? I have less things tying me down than most people my age do, so why not go for something “crazy” that most people wouldn’t be able to do? Why not move somewhere new? Like Hawaii, where I have these awesome friends already planting a new life.
With Chris & Caroline the night I arrived!
So, that’s what happened. I quit my job, left most of my possessions with my parents, drove my car across the country to ship over the Pacific, and flew with 6 bags to Hawaii. I’m still figuring it out, but I started my new job yesterday and will look for a permanent place to live soon. I have a great support system here and back on the mainland.
I can’t explain how much this decision has felt like the easiest decision I’ve ever made. I felt at peace with it really almost right away. After I got over my crazy emotions of realizing it was a possibility, I knew it was the thing to do.
On my first morning in Hawai’i, Caroline and I got up early to go watch the sunrise on the beach
This year has really changed my perspective on things. Caroline and I have talked about this several times, this shift in thinking. Most people live their lives focused on the future and what they are working towards. We have decided to live more in the moment. I’m living now, not just working towards living once I’ve figured everything out (cause we all know that’s gonna happen right?).