With apologies to McCartney, Lennon, et al…
View of the beach from our back yard
In a tooooowwnnnn called Ewa Beaaaaaach
lives a maaaaannn, and familyyyyyy
In a tiiiiiiny one room hooooommmmeee
Mandatoooorrrrry QuarantineeeeeeWe all live in an endless quarantine
An endless quarantine
An endless quarantineWe all live in an endless quarantine
An endless quarantine
An endless quarantine
...at least, it feels like it. Hello from day ... what is it? ... day ten of our mandatory fourteen day quarantine. While I realize fourteen days is not a huge deal - I've had fewer vacation days at some jobs - I will admit, it is starting to get to me.
Rigs is feeling the quarantine blues, too.
We are currently holed up in a 400-ish square foot studio apartment, and I kinda like it. It is nice having downsized, and the place itself is great. For one thing, there are no flooding basements! For another, our landfolks are super-duper nice. I could live like this full time, I think, were it not for the lure of the outside.
You see, right over the back yard fence is the beach. No, really! The other side of the fence is the beach park, and less than a hundred yards away is the shore. Right out the front door is ... the ocean! The cul-de-sac at the end of the road, maybe three hundred feet away is a rocky shore where the waves crash. In the distance we can see the mountains - perhaps that is Palikea Ridge to the north - and everywhere is beautiful sunshine, coconut palms and tropical greenery.
Palikea Ridge - maybe? - in the distance from our back yard.
You can see why we are itching to be done with quarantine.
Well, maybe itching is the wrong word. Don't want to get the authorities nervous...
We have daily check-ins, and supposedly there are spot-checks. After today, though, we only have four more days! I think we can wait it out. The irony of the situation is that non-quarantine travel has just resumed to the islands. Travelers with a negative COVID test within 72 hours of arriving to Hawaii can walk right out of the airport, free to do as they wish. Unfortunately, we arrived before this new plan, and even if we were to receive negative COVID tests, we are still required to finish the fourteen day quarantine.
Caroline, preparing dinner in the kitchen. Pic shot from the living room, over the bedroom and through the dining room. This is not a large apartment, is my point.
No big deal, though. We only have four more days, and I have to work for those four. Friday the 23rd we are free, I have the day off, and we will begin a three day weekend of joyous exploration.
I am planning to wake up early, at five in the morning, take the dogs (and perhaps Caroline, if she can be roused) over to the beach with a cup of coffee to watch the sunrise. Supposedly you can see Waikiki and Diamond Head from the beach, and the sunrise is no-doubt gorgeous.
After sunrise, I would like to pile the dogs into the car and try to circumnavigate the island of Oahu. I want to get a feel for where things are, what the different sides of the island are like, and just take in the views. Caroline has different plans - she would rather find a spot or two and head there to experience them. That is a fine plan too. Whatever we end up doing, we will do it together (with the dogs, of course) and enjoy the fact that we are free from quarantine on a beautiful tropical island.
Four more days. Four more days. Four more days.
Photo by Sung Jin Cho on Unsplash
Apologies to McCartney, Lennon, et al (whoever Al is).